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The Entrepreneurial Edge
Quiet Does The Mind & Body Good!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of everyday business life? Do you ever wish you could just shut off the world for a little while and have some quiet time to yourself? Well, guess what? Taking a break from the chaos could actually be good for your business.
Balancing Family & Business: How to Achieve Work-Life Harmony
Being a mom entrepreneur or small business owner is one of the most challenging roles in life. Balancing family and business becomes a crucial aspect of success. Discover effective strategies for balancing family & business while achieving work-life harmony.
The perks of working from home
If you’ve ever worked from home, you know the luxury of conducting business in your pajamas without having to worry about making the drive to the office.
Dress For Success
A number of years ago a gentleman wrote a book entitled "Dress for Success." He advised women to dress a much like men as possible. Women were to wear dark, somber skirt suits(never pants!), white button-down shirts, floppy bowties, nude stockings and plain, dark...
Shop Alone
Shopping is not, or should not be, a group endeavor. It's almost a rite of passage that every teenager takes her six best friends with her when shopping. It's assumed that by the time a woman reaches the legal drinking age she has enough confidence in her own taste...
Stand Out from the Crowd of Clutter Naysayers
“Clutter” is as personal as the clothes you wear. What you buy, where you store it, and all the ways you resist getting rid of it, offer clues to your personality—as well as your skills, talents, and gifts. As we set aside judgment, we leave room to discover how we...

Created by Chicas is an Online Business Incubator Agency, a cutting-edge kind of marketing agency – where we guide socially conscious entrepreneurs through every step of the process as you launch, market, and build your dream business.
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